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About Us

Veron & Company Ltd. (Guangzhou) was established in 1994 as a subsidiary of Veron & Company Ltd. (Hong Kong). Veron’s goals have always been to import different baking ingredients and transfer baking techniques from overseas to China to improve the quality of baking products in mainland.  Veron's mission is “to make the art of baking simple and enjoyable”, and we operate consistently under that objective.

We are currently the distributor for a variety of foreign baking ingredients and additives. They include: Special Bread Concentrates from John Hare of Europe, Baking flavors from International Bakers Services (IBS), Fruit Bit Concentrates, fillings and cake mixes from Dawn Food Products, color powder and cake decorations from Lucks Food Decorating Company, and “Cain 88”, a bread conditioner from Cain that is specially formulated to suit the needs of the Chinese market.  All of these products are from the U.S. and “Cain 88” has become the sole conditioner used by many bakeries across China.

Due to the development in the baking industry, the demand for baking ingredients and additives have increased continually.  Because our mission is to make the art of baking simple and enjoyable, we decided to use our experience to develop a series of baking ingredients that accommodates local tastes and fulfill the need of our customers to improve on efficiency while maintaining quality.

As a supplier of baking ingredients and additives, it is our responsibility to help our customers on developing new products and on improving baking techniques.  Veron & Company Ltd has a large technical team comprised of experienced, attentive and responsible members. Their goal is to provide timely, useful and comprehensive support to our customers in creating new specialty bakery products to expand their business opportunities.

We hope to work with you to improve baking procedures, develop new products, capture untapped markets and therefore make the art of baking simple and enjoyable!

广州维朗贸易有限公司版权所有 电话:020-82384892    技术支持:深圳蓝色动力